Hi readers!

My Sunday started early. I stayed over at Frida's because we did a sleepover but someone was snoring heavily. I couldn't sleep more so I woke up. I had breakfast with Frida and her boyfriend, Isaac. I talked to Maria and she told me that I had to be home soon. 

I left early and at home, I cleaned my room and had something to eat. Also, I organized everything to start the suitcase. Maria explained to me that we were going to have a Christmas table which meant a lot of food. We went to Stockholm to meet with Matilda. She bought a little nativity scene and I gave a little present to Mikaela.

The restaurant was lovely. We waited for other people that were coming. We ended up being 11 when I thought we would be just 5. There was a special order to eat the food beginning with cold dishes and ending with hot dishes and sweet dessert. Everything was just perfect but we were really full so we didn't have dinner.

Matilda cooked lussebullar for all of us and she stayed at home to sleep. I was really exhausted so I went to my room after asking her to sing my flag and saying God Natt to everyone.

Today they started to decorate the house so I've spent all day listening to Christmas songs like this one:

Santa tell me - Ariana Grande

Thanks for reading!


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