Hi readers!

Today I woke up worried about the suitcase that I would have to finish at night and also about ice skating that we had today. All the way to Tibble I was thinking of excuses to avoid skating. Sabela came and told me she had brought Emma's skates because they were better than the ones that they gave us. 

Those skates were too big for her and she noticed how worried I was so she borrowed me the skates. I felt really confident and I improved a lot during the class. I decided that I would come again tomorrow in our last day because I wanted to have as fun as today.

We asked several things to some teachers and then went to have lunch. I was really thoughtful because that was going to be the last time I ate there and I realized how much I will miss this school. 

After lunch, I went home to wash some clothes and also charge my phone. I returned for Italian class. We spent the class doing exercises and translations. After class, we asked Luciana to sign our flags as Hiliana and Katarina did right after her. 

We went to Täby Centrum and I took something to gave to my host family as a thank you present. We went to Frida's house to say goodbye to Emily, Frida's sister, and I went home crying. 

At home, I did the suitcase super stressed. I talked with the family and they told me how much they will miss me and they wrote in my flag, a flag that they gave me. 

I went to sleep early. 

Today's song will be in Spanish because it will remind me a lot to Sweden as many other songs that I discovered here:

Thanks for reading!


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