Hi readers!

Well, this is going to be my last entry here. I'll explain my day as always and in the end, I will say something about these two amazing months.

I woke up nervous because of the returning home. I had spent a week deciding on going to class today and after packing everything last night I went to class because after all, it was going to be my last class at Tibble. We had P.E at the ice rink but when we were there another teacher came to us and said that we had to go to hall 2, but as she only told that to Sabela, Marina and I I had to tell the others that we have to move out of there.

They instantly believed me. We went all to the Hall 2 and we had to wait a lot for the teacher I was regretting believing that teacher to fast. Some students came to me to ask me if I was sure that the class was there and I told them, yes but actually I wasn't so sure after a while.

The teacher came. So I was right. I felt relief. We played one game. It is called dodgeball. We have something similar in Spain so we liked it. The thing was that it has different rules and the majority of the class are boys so they were pretty hard on us. Although we had fun and at the end of the class, we asked some of our classmates to sign our flag. Fernando (the teacher) and two more signed it and then I went home to have a shower, eat and leave to the airport. 

I was really nervous and I still don't know why I was so nervous about. Maria took me to the airport and we talked a lot. I knew I was going to miss her a lot. At the airport, we met with Frida, Johana, Tim, Sofia, Katarina, and Cecilia. We did the check-in and we said goodbye to them while we had tears in our eyes we crossed the door and started the countdown until we see them again.

The journey back to Spain was sad and tiring. We arrived at 23:00 at Santigo's airport, we took some photos with our flags there and then said goodbye. I'll miss this time with Marina, Sabela, and Victor a lot, it doesn't matter that we can see each other at the school, all the adventures lived together will be only ours.

I felt different when I saw my family, although I had missed them I realized that a part of me was going to stay in Sweden forever. I felt I have grown up a lot as a person there. I've met people that have changed a lot and meant a lot to me in a very short time.

I would recommend an experience like this to anyone, even though you don't feel prepared I can assure you that even if you do feel prepared, you are not. The world is really big and there are lots of things to see, discover, try, etc... This experience has brought me the opportunity to know me better and see what I'm capable of. It was a big test in my life which I think I passed with honors.

Try to enjoy every single moment because when this happens you can change and that change will mean a lot to you.

Thanks for reading this blog, listening to the songs and above all I really hope that you enjoyed this as I did.

Just THANK YOU! And my best luck in your life.

The last song will be:

Coldplay - Viva La Vida


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