Hi readers!

So today was a really long day. Well, I overslept today like an hour. Yeah just trying to imagine myself today at 7:14 when I had to take the bus at 7:38 and instead of saying: Goodmorning to Mikael I said: I've lost the bus, and then start to prepare something to eat. 

He prepared me a very strong breakfast which I devoured in a minute and then he told me that he could give me a ride to the school and my whole body stopped and relaxed. I went into my room and look for another bus so I didn't have to bother Mikael but he told me to shut up and that it wasn't a problem to take me to Tibble. I was very thankful. I got to Tibble with more than extra time so I relaxed and watched my phone waiting for the rest of my mates.

We went into Italian class like this: Sabela, almost dying because she had to run to be on time, and even so, she was late, Marina was as always just that she had a shower just ten minutes before leaving the house and Victor the worst of all, who didn't sleep a bit. So yeah a pretty cool group of Spanish students trying to understand two languages, Italian and Swedish, at the same time at 8:20 in the morning.

So after the class, Sabela and Victor went to their other classes and Marina and I stayed in the cafeteria to do some work. After their classes, we went all together to have lunch. Strange meet half-done rice but enough for me because I was starving. We had English 6 with Serena after lunch so we talked for a while and then went to our last lesson of the day. 

For me was a very good lesson. We had speaking and listening and we also checked some homework from two weeks ago. Something strange happened while we were doing the speaking I turned over and saw my partner, who I don't know the name of, with a hammer on his hands, a few minutes later Serena took it, but no worries he isn't dangerous, he was bored that sometimes is even more dangerous for teenagers. Serena got mad with some students and started to talk very fast in Swedish at them because they didn't have their homework. But despite all of that here they worked pretty well as I said in previous entries.  

After classes, we went to Marina's place as always, I know it's literally our second house. We talked, played cards and watched a film. I missed half of the film because I talked to Maria, who is still in Argentina, on the phone. Then I felt really tired and looked for the bus home.

I talked with some friends and my mom and dad today during my spare time. I received a message from Mikael to buy bacon but I was already on the bus home and I couldn't buy it so he told me to do the dinner instead. I had a problem then, I barely know how to cook, and is all theory what I know because I don't have practice. But when I got home he had already bought the bacon and he taught me how to cook pasta carbonara so I cooked practically everything. I was afraid I did something wrong but they liked it and is wrong that I say this but IT WAS FANTASTIC. I'm proud that I did it. Then Mikael taught me a few more things about the kitchen and I  went to had a shower after that. 

So yeah the dinner ended with me, I didn't even repeat. I'm feeling more and more tired each and every day, especially because it's getting darker. But I knew what I expected before coming so I just need to get used to it.

Today's song will be...

Thanks for reading!


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