Hi readers!

Today I woke up very early as every Monday. I went to school with Matilda and Mikael. They dropped me there and I went to Italian with Sabela because Victor was sick and Marina was late. I was very sleepy at Italian but I understood mostly everything, it appears I have a test this Wednesday but I've already known the words for the test. Luciana, our Italian teacher told us that we need a password for the exam because it will be on computers.

After the class, we had a free hour and we talked with Katarina to fixed the password thing. We did it and now we are able to use the Tibble computers. I also updated my Snapchat because here they use it a lot and it's a good way to make friends in our classes. I added a guy from our English 5 class and he told he needed help with an essay for his Spanish class, Marina and I stayed in a table and listened to music and do some work. Then we went to have lunch, and again another good day with food it was fish and mashed potatoes. I bet tomorrow it won't be so good. 

At lunch, we laugh and talked a lot of guys here, we think that they are really cute and also they seem to be very lucky with their genes. After lunch, we took our stuff for English 6 and then went with Simon, the guy that needed help to help him. We tried to do our best but we had some struggle because the word 'baño' in Spanish needs a 'ñ' and Swedish keyboard doesn't have one and also he pretended in a moment to repeat 'es muy grande' and I told him that was not correct but he seemed to be very enthusiastic about receiving help from Spanish people. 

We went to English 6 and worked a lot. My head really hurt after that hour and a half of English. We didn't know what to do after the lesson ended because we spoke with Simon to keep helping him but he didn't answer so we left for Stockholm. There we walked and walked and also visited two shops that were cheap surprisingly. During the evening Mikaela shared with me some pictures showing off that she was very bored in class and I also spoke to some mates in Spain. After an hour in Stockholm, Victor and Tim joined us and we went to have a fika all together but Sabela, Marina and I left earlier because it was dark and we were tired. 

After taking the bus and arriving home, I tried to chill but it was impossible because I was talking with a friend and I just forgot to do anything else for a while, I guess it was a way to distract myself. We had dinner and Mikaela talked to me and she gave me a hug and so did I. We had meatballs and potato, I can call this the potato day. After dinner, I talked with her about our day and also asked her to tell me her subjects to send them to my teacher in Spain who needs them. It was really nice to talk with her, I feel we get along very well and then she asked me to listen to her song choices for a concert that will be soon.

After listening to her lovely voice, I went to my room and then the day started to fell apart. First I received my homework from Spain, which gave me a headache, I realized how early I start tomorrow and how tired I am every day, heard that there was a shooting in Stockholm and to end with the catastrophe the man who created most of my childhood passed away today. Yeah, maybe a little drama for a boring day was necessary. 

Well, the homework was good because was from Anatomy and I love that subject, the time I start tomorrow isn't really important because it's dance and I really enjoy it, but the sad part was the shooting. Mikael explained to me that here being a person without studies it's very hard because only 5% of the jobs don't require of studies or experience so imagine how high is the level here. That is the reason why the immigrants create gangs that provocate the shootings, is their way to protest. I know, it's sad to hear that.

To end this I want to talk about Stan Lee. If you don't know who he is well just google him. He created the bests films anyone had seen. Marvel is like his child and it was a very successful child, one that everyone would be proud of. I really appreciate all his life working life, dedicated to filling our minds with superheroes, amazing effects, and music. Thanks to some of his films I now know part of my bests friends. So I just will say rest in peace genius.

Today's song, one from the film: Guardians of the galaxy I.

I want you back - Jackson 5

Thanks for reading!


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