Hi readers!

So today I woke up very tired from the party and I did nothing but had breakfast and lunch all morning. Mikaela and Mikael had plans and I didn't, Mikaela talked to Victor because he had plans for the night and she wanted me to be with someone so I wasn't alone.

 I met with him after lunch in Täby Centrum, Marina joined us and they ate something in Vapiano. When we were there we saw through the glass and it was like 16.00 and it was already dark, now it's getting darker earlier so that made me feel very tired. We talked for a while and then Victor and I left to his house again in two days. I had dinner there and I met Tim's father and sister. 

We had pasta and then we watched Skam, well the last to minutes of an episode I was watching. We danced Just Dance and played table tennis. I also learned a very cool game with the hands that Sofia, Victor, and Tim do together. Then we prepared a room for play ouija board with Frida, Emily, Isaac, Marina, Tim, Sofia (Tim's sister), Victor and me. 

We played for almost two hours, we asked a lot of questions. I wasn't scared I think this second time we play ouija it was just fine, I didn't want to know more about the spirit world, they are there and that's fine for me. 

Emily and Marina planned to stay for a sleepover with Tim and Victor and I went home with  Frida and Isaac that gave me a ride. At home, I watched another episode of Skam and then put my pijama on.

I know this entry is very short compared to the others, it's just there is nothing more to tell :)

Today's song:

Thanks for reading!


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