Hi readers!

First of all, I'm dying here because I've never had to get up so early in my life. So the morning started at 6.00 a.m. I had a dance class at 8.20 and the bus was at 7.38. I had some breakfast and then went straight to get ready. Mikael warned me about going to the bathroom before the plumber came, in this country, the plumber comes at 7.00 in the morning. Well, Miakel had to take out all the jackets from a wardrobe because the pipelines were there. 

I left the house forgetting my water bottle but I had enough time so I came back for it. I run and I saw again the flags on the bus, it appears today is the day of Gustavo II Adolfo, the founder of the Swedish Empire. When I got on the bus there was like 20 people but in every single stop 10 more came in, I've never seen the bus as crowded as today. Once at Tibble I waited for Sabela to go to dancing class.

I loved today's dance class even though I don't dance as well as some of the students there. But I enjoyed it because we made a choreography and I don't have to understand what they are saying just copy what they do. I ended up exhausted and the teacher told us that she will be glad to have us in the next lesson, and of course, I'll be there.

We had English 5 after dancing. We had to write an essay choosing between two topics in a paper. We had 80 minutes to do it. I'm not really proud of mine but I think it was fine taking into account that I didn't have so much information. I delivered the essay after the class and went to have lunch. 

Today's lunch was a typical recipe because it was the 150 anniversary of something that I don't remember, it was rice with a lot of onion and chicken, I liked it. After lunch, we took our notebooks for our last lesson, Swedish. We spent half of the class talking about our free week and what we have learned about Sweden. Today we study the keywords for making questions and also some adjectives comparing Swedish people to Spanish people.

I finished the day very exhausted, even so, I had enough energy to go to the Globe in Stockholm. It was very disappointing to find out that we have to pay to enter and also that it's only a huge structure with a mall next to it. We went into the mall and grabbed something to eat. We talked a lot, we are getting to know each other and also having fun together. 

We left early and we took the subway, at the subway in one station Marina said that we could avoid T-Centralen and took the other subway there so we went out the subway and suddenly Victor was scared of taking the wrong subway that we ran into the same one again. Sometimes I try to figure it out how we get home every day without getting lost in the way. 

Sabela and I took the subway to Mörby Centrum, where our busses came. But we were very short of time and I didn't want to run, she was saying that we had enough time and at the end, I was right we missed the bus and we had to wait to another one, but meanwhile we also looked for a bathroom. We got lost in the station looking for the bathroom, because after we went to the bathroom Sabela decided to take the lift when it was only one floor and it was DOWNSTAIRS, the lift took us to a very creepy garage and we started to run upstairs laughing. We took the next bus and then I got home feeling as if a truck just ran over me, tired, starving and freezing. 

I talked with Mikaela for almost an hour about a lot of things, our day, boys, planning the father's day that is this Sunday in Sweden,... We had fish, that was delicious and mashed potatoes. Mikaela made the dinner and we had to wait for Mikael. After the dinner, I cleaned up the kitchen and Mikael organized the disaster from this morning. Mikaela went to the gym and I went to my room to prepare tomorrow's stuff. Mikael told me that next week I could learn some other recipes from a book that he gave me. I'm looking forward to learning more here!!

Today's song will be this one from the movie that I watched the other day: A Star is born.

Thanks for reading! 


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