Hi readers!

Today was a really tough day. I woke up at 10.00 and I played cards before having breakfast, well before anything because I didn't have breakfast and that isn't good for me. When we were all up we cleaned altogether the house so Tim's mom could find everything as she left it.

After a lot of arguing we decided to go to a Museum in Stockholm so we went to Ica to buy something to eat. We bought pasta and then we ate Sofia, Nicole, Emily, Johanna, Tim, Marina, Sabela, Victor and I at Tim's house and then we left for the museum. 

It was free but it was big and we stayed until almost 3 in the morning last night so we were really tired. We left early but I have to say that although I was interested in the museum the lack of texts in English made me so disappointed that I found that a reason for leaving. At the tube, Marina and I had to wait half an hour for our bus and we left together to our houses. 

At home, I talked to Maria and then we had dinner. I had a shower and then I went into my room to prepare the next day and talk with my family. 

I know short blog but I'm really tired after sleeping on a couch don't blame me :)

Today's song:

Thanks for reading!


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