Hi readers!

Sunday, I would say finally Sunday, but here they don't rest like us on Sundays so it's like another day. Well, today was special because it was their father's day and of course Matilda and Mikaela made plans for Mikael. But they started wrong, they woke up later than Mikael so they missed the breakfast. But they fixed it with the 'brunch' we prepared. 

I was very busy, helping them and also writing the blog. We prepared bacon, fried eggs, mushrooms, sausages, and meatballs. I prepared a fruit salad and they made a cake and coffee. They prepared the living room to have lunch, so I was there for the first time for having lunch. It was lovely. We enjoyed the lunch and talked about the graduation and then Matilda and I started to clear the table. 

I really like Matilda, she is a big Swedish sister like Mikaela and she is very pretty too. They took a nap or they did something very quiet during the evening because I didn't hear a single sound for three hours, I was talking with my family when Matilda told that we were leaving to the cinema to watch Bohemian Rhapsody. I was very excited about it, I love Queen so you are probably imagining today's song.

It was a very long way and when we left the car I had to run with Mikaela because there were 5 minutes left but we had a lot of time because the cinema was really crowded and they all were there to see Bohemian Rhapsody. I took some popcorns that I shared with Matilda.

The film was simply AMAZING. I totally recommend it. Every minute was like magic for my ears and eyes. The actor playing Freddie Mercury looked like a mirror of him, and I spent all the film wishing to had seen them in a live concert. I had lots of wonderful thoughts about the film to tell everyone after it, but once I crossed the cinema door they were blown away and I was just hallucinating, without words. 

We went to a little supermarket in a subway to buy something for dinner and then went back home. On the car I talked with two of my bests friends about the film and how are they in Spain, also I shared my opinion of the film with my family.

At home, I started to write today's blog making time until dinner. At dinner, I had a toast with cheese and mushrooms, delicious by the way, Mikael and Mikaela had a strange toast with fish, eggs and lettuce and Matilda a tomato soup and a toast like mine. Matilda and I had a bowl of fruit salad and me then I had a shower and they went to the living room. 

Well, today's song...

Thanks for reading!


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