Hi readers!

WHAT A DAY! It began early of course. I had to be at Tibble at 8:15 I thought I would take the bus but Maria offered to take me to Tibble. I love the way she treats me like I'm part of the family. Once at Tibble, I went to my dance class to warn my teacher that I wouldn't be able to go to class but it was really early and there was only a girl and I let her the message to the teacher.

I met with Sabela, she is a little bit sick. I talked with her waiting for Tim, Victor, and Marina and then we went to our first presentation in Spanish. When I started to talk a sound like birds started and all the phones were in a table, the teacher started to look for the phone which was ringing and it appears it was an alarm, good start!

 We did the presentation about Spain, we talked about our childhood and out of nowhere Sabela started to talk about secondary and a lot of stuff. After the presentations, we had to be in groups with them to answer their questions. They understood a lot of Spanish but they were afraid of talking. I met three girls of lasts year's exchange, they knew a lot of Spanish. A girl even asked me my football team! The teacher gave us pepparkaka known as ginger biscuits. She was really nice and they all gave us an applause when we left.

We talked with Matti on the hallway and then we went to English 5. Before English 5 we helped Simon to do some Spanish homework. We had to write about a nightmare. When I finished I waited for the rest of my friends and we went to have lunch, THERE WERE MEATBALLS FINALLY! The cantine was really crowded of course and we noticed that there was a lot of people wearing red. Mikaela explained to us that is because of a game called Killer game. If you had something red today they can't kill you. They pick movies, today was Finding Nemo, another day will be Mean Girls.

After lunch, we went to the Swedish class and we learned some illness and also animals. Then we left really quickly to take the train that we almost lost we jumped through a fence and we were able to take the train. Marina, Victor and I were heading to Jump Yard. It was almost an hour to get there and it was freezing. But it was totally worth it. We paid 120 SEK. We needed Special socks that Victor borrowed us.

We were there for an hour and a half. We left and then I talked with my father. We had to run again to take a bus that we missed but another one arrived soon so I took it. On the bus, I talked with my mom.

When I arrived everyone was already at home. Maria was making dinner. It was Mexican. I was starving so I really enjoyed. They talked with my family wishing a happy birthday to my dear and beloved sister :)

I had a shower and then talked with my new friends here and went to bed, I'm exhausted.

Today's song:

Thinking 'Bout you - Dua Lipa

Thanks for reading!


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