Hi readers! Happy Thanksgiving & St Cecilia!

So today as always waking up early but this time to go to my favorite class. Again the bus was really crowded, the bus driver had to tell the people to go to the bottom of the bus so more people could fit on the bus. I got to the class and I warmed up with them but then they practice their dance for the open house for half an hour so I sat and watched. Then we stretched and then danced again. As I said I love this class and now they talk a little bit more to me. 

After dance class, I had P.E and we played volleyball again. I was in the same team as Marina and something really funny happened in a moment. All our teammates sat down and let Marina played because she did like 10 points all alone.

After class, we went to have lunch and then we didn't know what to do so we all went home after finishing our homework. At home, I had something to eat and then washed some of my clothes and had a shower to go to babysit. I prepared some games. It was amazing today because I talked a lot more with the children and with the father who told me that at his work he placed cameras for the TV show at Spain: Operación Triunfo. I was really surprised by the coincidence. I had dinner with them, it was really spicy but I liked it and I also took a photo with the children.

I left and I promised to come back once again before I left. At home, I talked with the family for a while because of a misunderstanding but it was no big deal at the end. I went straight to bed because I have to wake up early tomorrow.

By the way, it's freezing here I add more clothes every day to my outfit so I can make until coming back to Lugo.

Today's song:

Killer Queen - 5SOS

Thanks for reading!


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