Hi readers!
Today was a really long day. I woke up very early when I didn't have to but I had a nightmare that I returned home today so I panicked. Well as every day I had breakfast but today was already prepared by Maria and she told it was a typical sandwich here made of butter, cheese, little tomatoes, and yellow pepper, it was good for the beginning of the day. After, I  got ready all my stuff and then went to Tibble. There we were working until we were hungry in our project of Lugo to their Spanish lessons. 

At lunch, we avoided today's lunch at school because it seemed strange so we went for pizza and pasta at a place called Vapiano and Victor paid for our food there, so nice for him :). Then we went to his host house which was one train and two buses away from where we were. So I took the train for the first time here and I almost stayed inside it because the door closed in front of my face and I really was scared of going somewhere I don't know. It happened again on the second bus and we decided that I was going to leave the transports the last one so we won't get trapped inside. 

At Victor's, we played cards as always and saw the house which is pretty cool. Then we came back to Taby Centrum and went to Esplanade where Sabela left for home and we played Monopoly in Swedish which we didn't understand and it ended up being very boring. We ordered some food and painted some drawings. So yeah it was a pretty uninteresting day, except for my waiting for the bus where I met a girl and talked to her for a while, which was rare because people here don't talk to you unless is really necessary, so that was nice.

Now I'm at home waiting for the arrival of Mikaela of her trip to London and for having dinner because I'm starving and there is lasagna. 

The song of the day is... a classic

Thanks for reading!


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