Hi readers!

Today was Saturday. Yesterday I was tired so I tried to sleep as much as possible but it wasn't possible because there was a visitor in the house so I woke up early and had breakfast with all the family except Mikaela that was sleeping.

We discovered that Lucas the son of the visitor was in Virginia and I told her I had a partner there and it resulted that they knew each other so that was a VERY BIG COINCIDENCE. I was scared about how can that be possible.

After breakfast, Maria and I went shopping. We bought some things that we needed for the house and also looked for the sales that are out now. I saw a huge technology shop that compared with Spain is very cheap. So here the clothes are more expensive than in Spain but technology is cheaper, I don't understand why.

Well continuing, we bought candy and then we returned home. At home, I met Matilda, Mikaela's big sister. She is amazing I really liked her and she was very nice to me. She recommended me some second-hand shops to go but they closed very early so I had lunch soon to meet with my friends.

We met at 15.00 but when we arrived at T-Centralen we didn't know where were the shops so we just walked around and we found the city hall by chance. It's beautiful and there were some couples taking pictures of their wedding. We took some pictures too and an old nice woman took pictures of us whit the sunset.

It was getting cold so we returned to Täby very soon. On the way, I talked with my entire family and they told how was everything at home. When we arrived at Täby Centrum Marina and I looked for our buses at home. We had some struggle finding the bus stop but I arrived home safe and cold.

At home, Maria was already cooking the dinner and I had a shower and waited for a while. They prepared me a surprise for dinner; Spanish omelet and crème caramel. Everything tasted like home. I'm really happy with my host family, they couldn't be better. After that, it was time to go to bed and prepared my mind for Sunday.

Song of the day:

Thanks for reading I'll leave some photos here.


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