Hi readers!

Tuesday. Today was a very productive day. I woke up as early as yesterday because I started at 8:20 again. But this time was because of my first dance class, yeah this week is about new stuff I know. Well, I had to make my breakfast and I also received an e-mail from my dad with the songs of the last movie of Lady Gaga and I spent my morning listening to that. Maria took me to the school and once there I step my foot in a puddle so yeah a good beginning of the day. Nothing could stop my excitement for dancing.

I got to the class very punctual and met the other students there. The teacher introduced me to the class and they started to talk in English so I could understand what they were saying. They had a theory class last week and they were going to make the practical part, impro. There were two teachers but the one who taught us was from the dance school, making practice time as a teacher and I have to say that she is really good at it.

At first, I was very uncomfortable but I recognized a girl from my English 6 class and then another girl came to say hi to me and introduced herself, I feel really bad right now because I don't remember her name but I will ask her again. We tried lots of dynamics and each one was better than the last one, while time was passing I felt more and more comfortable. I tried to imagine myself in my room alone and dancing whatever I wanted to and then the teacher told me that I was doing it right. So the important thing is to enjoy it not do it as a professional, that and the new mates were the best of the dancing class.

After the class I had to meet with my other classmates because we had English 5, we saw the teacher and she gave us a film that they were watching at class and she wanted us to watch it too. So we left the class early and did other stuff. Then we went to have lunch. Today was the same food as Friday so it was tasty but I don't really want to have that all weeks.

After lunch, we made some time until Swedish where we learned some ordinal numbers and also the colours and clothes. I still think Swedish it's a nightmare for my brain. Before the end of the class, Katerina gave us some homework for the next week, yeah our holiday week.

So now I can say I'm going into the Swedish lifestyle, I have to say it's really tiring. After the classes I left for home because I had to babysit at 16:30 so I wanted to have a shower and rest for a bit.

When I arrived home I prepared some games for the kids, had a shower, ate something and then left to the other house. Once there, I met the kids and I started to play football with Emilio in the video game console, I sucked at the beginning but I got better after 5 games. I tried to teach some Spanish to them like some Halloween words and it worked pretty well with Emilio but I can't say the same for Felicia, I have to figure it out how to communicate with her because she is 4 and she doesn't speak English or Spanish, only Swedish. But it was a really good experience to be with them. 

I left the house very late, it was 18:50 but it was already dark so it was late for me. I was scared on the street because anybody could see me, I have to look for a luminescent keychain or vest. When I arrived home I was really tired, cold and hungry. I laid the table and then had dinner with Mikael and Mikaela, it was smashed potato with salmon, which by the way I really liked it. Then I stayed in my room for a while until Maria arrived and talked about my day with all the family.

Right now I'm very tired and they say that I'm getting used to the darkness here and so much work, so I'm proud of myself improvement in these lasts days.

That was all for today, the song of the day; one from the Lady Gaga's movie:

Thanks for reading!!


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