Welcome again!

So today was Monday, I took the bus here for the first time but first the breakfast. I woke up too early and went directly to the kitchen, there I greeted Mikael and Maria and they both explained to me that they have breakfast upstairs together so I began the day very lonely hahaha. After breakfast which was very simple, I made myself a sandwich in case of hunger in the evening. I prepared some stuff I thought I would need and head up to the bus stop. I was there so early that I had to wait like half of an hour but it didn't matter. I arrived at Tibble Gymnasium at 8:51 the buses here are very punctual and there is an app that tells you where are each bus and the right time to get it.

Tibble is a huge school. We met there with Lorena, our English teacher and Katherina our teacher of Swedish here in Sweden. Both of them showed us the school and introduced some staff as the nurse, two teachers, and the headmaster, who is very nice and tall. Everyone welcomed us in Spanish and then they started talking in English so we could understand them properly. 

At lunch we met Tim in the cantine and eat some kind of soup with rice, I'm not very sure what I've had eaten because it was in Swedish. As in other places, there were lots of people, in this case, students and they all are very tall and blond. They stared at us because of the difference between them and us. 

After lunch, we went to the biggest mall in Sweden which is like 5 min from the school. We suddenly got lost there but as in many other areas, there were big screens with info in English, where you could choose a shop and it showed you the way to get it there from your location. Everything seemed so expensive so we left early to Frida's house. Frida is Marina's partner here. There we played some card games like UNO or some kind of game with poker cards that was hard for me to understand.

When we finished we ate something and then everybody looked for their bus to get home. Again I was afraid of getting lost but once you are on the bus is very easy to understand the stops although everything is in swedish. I got home at 17:55 more a less and I was alone for 20 minutes, then Mikael came and started to cooking while he was listening to music which by the way I loved it. Maria came and we all had dinner together and talked about our day. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SfSQ3lQmJw that was the song enjoy it :)

Tomorrow there will be more adventures but that will be enough for today.

Bye and thanks for keep reading!


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