Hi readers!

Today has been a very productive day. First I woke up and made my breakfast I also said good morning to Mikaela who told me that her turn at work had changed so she would be late at night. After breakfast, I cleaned my room, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the laundry room. I was very proud and sweaty so I had a shower to go to Täby Centrum to buy candy because it’s Halloween today.

I went there and I was expecting something like in Spain a big bag of a different kind of candy but here they take candy seriously so I had to look for something cheap and different. I bought three bags of different candies. On the bus, I talked with my dad and then I got home and put some food from the fridge into the microwave to eat before going to Täby Centrum again.

I went to Täby Centrum again because I was going to meet my partners there to give Marina her birthday gift and go to Tekniska Museet in Stockholm. We were: Tim, Victor, Marina, Sabela and me. We took one train, one tube, and one bus. It was already dark when we arrived at the museum.

There we saw a little park in front of the museum with strange games but the kids seemed to like them. We went into the museum and just started to go around like we knew everything but nothing at the same time. I took lots of pictures. I'll explain some things I liked; a dark tunnel with heat chambers so you could see if there was anyone in there, also a machine which showed how some animals see (my favorite was the horse), a game that implicates a lot of concentration or a lack of concentration I'm not sure to be sincere, well the game consisted in trying to move a small ball with your brain and you were playing against someone else. I lost, I just can't think about anything, I have a complicated brain. 

We also saw a room of mirrors which was pretty disappointing and also we saw the mine, is a place where they show you how were the firsts mines, it was interesting and dark. Well we left early, by the way, today was a free day so probably if we had to pay my partners wouldn't even come and that was one of the main reasons we went today. 

When we left they were hungry so we stopped at a McDonalds and ate something, I brought my own food because I don't want to keep wasting money in food when I have a lot at home and for free. Well at the MacDonalds we talked for a while and then when we were leaving Tim told us that a man there was a Swedish actor but we didn't recognize him so we told Tim to look for him and them send us the info.

We took the tube again and I stayed until the last stop to take my half an hour bus. On the bus stop, I started to write this entry and also revised the answer my saxophone teacher had sent me. I arrived home at 20:40 more a less and Mikael and Matilda wherein the living room and they hadn't had dinner yet. So they took their food to the living room and I had dinner alone at the kitchen trying to find something to watch. 

I ended up watching Passengers and then I had a shower. 

Yeah pretty long day I'm exhausted but to finish this blog in the right way I have to play one of my favorites songs of my idol... It's Halloween after all....

Happy Halloween and thanks for reading!!


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