Hi readers!

I woke up late today because I had to start at 10:00. I prepared my stuff slowly and took the bus quietly. So I arrived at school early and when we were about to enter in the P.E class there was no one there so we walked all over the entire gym looking for our teacher and our classmates but we didn't find them. So we went to talk with Katerina and asked her where was the class although we would be late then. She didn't know anything about the place or the teacher or even the classmates so we didn't have class. We worked in a presentation until it was time to have lunch but again it wasn't worth it to wait because it was disgusting, unlike us the Swedish students looked very pleased with the food.

Then we decided to make food at Frida's house because it was the nearest one and we bought meatballs, we cooked and ate them forgetting about the school's food. 

We spent the evening at Frida's watching TV and playing cards and we went to the gym, where I really was bored and hot. We were there for like an hour or maybe less. Victor and I picked up our stuff and went home. 

At the bus, I talked with my sister and also showed her how it's all going on. I really miss her sometimes. 

When I arrived home, Mikael was preparing the dinner and also listening to very good music. I talked for a while with Maria and she helped me to find a babysitting job speaking Spanish with little children. I talked with a very nice woman who offered me a meeting with her to know something before I work, her name was Natalie.

We had spaghetti with raped meat and talked about our day as always. Then I had a shower and when I went out I heard another person in the house talking Spanish! I was very embarrassed walking out of the bathroom and he was in the kitchen so I left my stuff in my bedroom and introduced myself to him. He is a friend of Mikael and Maria and he was guilty of their match, his name is Camilo. He is Colombian and he has a Finnish wife. He is very cool and well-behaved. So revising that moment I realized this situation: a Swedish, a Colombian, an Argentina and a Spanish, it could be the beginning of a great joke.

So now I'm finishing this entry and without fail, I'm going to share a great song with you all:

Thanks for reading!


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